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Locations of the Department of Computer Science and Telecommunications
- Head of the Department's Office: The Head of the Department's Office is in the new buildings of TEI.
- Professors' Offices:The Professors' Offices are in the new buildings of TEI.
- •Teaching classes: The teaching classes for the theoretical part of the courses are situated in the new buildings of the TEI of Larisa.There are disponsible for the theory course parts the amphitheater of the General Department of STEF.
In the program of each semester the classrooms are being recorded for each courses.
- Laboratory locations: The Department of Computer Science and Telecommunications has 8 laboratories fully with 20 working positions. Two of the Department's laboratories are situated under the students' restaurant, the third in the ground floor of tha main building ,next to the small amphitheater. Two laboratories are situated in the basement of the Department of Τουριστικών Επιχειρήσεων and one across the Administration's office. The Department uses also the two new laboratories of the new buildings of TEI.
- Administration's office:The Administration's office is situated in the new buildings of the ΔΔΕ Department.
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