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Course description

Logic Programming
Module Type: Information Technology Track
Module Code: 534Π
Syllabus: Introduction to Prolog. Syntax, facts and rules, conjunction and disjunction of facts in rules, queries. Atomic and complex terms. Lists, list predicates, definitions of recursive predicates. Cut. Negation as failure. Built-in predicates. Declarative and Procedural program semantics. Unification, resolution and backtracking. Arithmetic in Prolog. Operator definition. I/P-O/P control. Dynamic modification of programs. The Prolog programming language as a sub-language of first-order logic. Substitution and unification. Robinson’s algorithm. The Martelli – Montanari algorithm.
Module Aims-Objectives: To get the student familiar with Logic programming and in particular with the Prolog programming language. To understand the relation between Prolog and first-order logic. To understand the significance of the unification and resolution algorithms.
After completing this course students should be able to successfully undertake more advanced courses such as Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Agents.

• G. Mitakidis, "From Logic to Logic programming and Prolog ", Kardamitsa Publishing, 1994
• Μ. Katzourakis, Μ. Gergatsoulis, S. Kokkotos, "PROgramming in LOGic", New Technologies Publishing, 1991
• Ι. Bratko, "PROLOG Programming for Artificial Intelligence", Addison Wesley, 2nd ed 1990, repr. 1999.
• Lecture Notes

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Computer Science and Engineering
Faculty of Technological Applications
T.E.I. of Thessaly
Ring Road Larissas-Trikalon
Larissa, Greece
Tel: +30 (2410) 684312    FAX: +30 (2410) 684-573
GPS 39.628860, 22.382690
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