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Course description

Discrete Systems
Module Type: General Foundation
Module Code: 125
Syllabus: Sets, Relations and Functions. Set Operations. Proof Techniques. Proof by induction and Recursive definitions. Elements of Boolean Algebras. Prepositional calculus: Syntax, proof theory, and semantics. Graphs and Modal Logics. Applications in Computer Science.
Module Aims-Objectives: This course focuses on those elements of Mathematical Logic that are in close relation to Computer Science, providing the foundation for subsequent courses such as Artificial Intelligence, Logic programming and Foundations of Computation.
Upon completing this course students should be able to:
1. Work with sets, relations and functions.
2. Employ proof techniques.
3. Understand and solve problems relating to recursive definitions and induction.
4. Understand and solve problems relating to Boolean algebras.
5. Understand the concept of a formal language and its semantics and proof theory
6. Compose and analyze circuits via logic tools (addition, disjunction, negation, induction).
Bibliography: • "Discrete Mathematics", C.Liu, University of Crete Publishing, 1999
• "Basic Logic", C. Ηartonas, Ziti Publishing.

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Computer Science and Engineering
Faculty of Technological Applications
T.E.I. of Thessaly
Ring Road Larissas-Trikalon
Larissa, Greece
Tel: +30 (2410) 684312    FAX: +30 (2410) 684-573
GPS 39.628860, 22.382690
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